SketchPad 2.0

Arcosoft Inc.
May 21, 1998

Table of Contents

  1. Registration
  2. Features
  3. Uses
  4. Changes from version 1.01
  5. Requirements
  6. Licensing
  7. Disclaimer of Warranty
  8. Concerned about memory usage after the application is deleted?
  9. Installation
  10. Usage Tips
  11. Backup
  12. Restore
  13. Contact

Source code to this and other applications are available from


This is an evaluation copy. Please register if you intend to keep using it. Registration is simple and on-line. Visit to register.

Once the registration code is obtained, do the following:

If you ever delete SketchPad or the SketchPad Desktop Viewer and wish to re-install, you must enter the code again. So, keep the code around.



Changes from version 1.01



SketchPad is copyrighted software and remains the intellectual property of Arcosoft Inc. This is an evaluation copy. An evaluation copy may be redistributed as long as the zip file and its contents are intact and unmodified. Please register if you intend to keep using it. Once it is registered, it may not be redistributed.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Software is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by you. Should the Software prove defective, you and not Arcosoft assume the entire cost of any service and repair. In addition, the security mechanisms implemented by Arcosoft software have inherent limitations, and you must determine that the Software sufficiently meets your requirements. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement.

Concerned about memory usage after the application is deleted?

If you are concerned that third party applications may leave behind some data even after the application has been deleted, rest assured. Our applications release all memory when the application is deleted, regardless of whether it is an evaluation or registered copy.


By installing the software, you have accepted the licensing agreement and disclaimer of warranty.

SketchPad for PalmPilot

Before installing any third party application, you should backup the data on your PalmPilot by hotsyncing with the desktop.

Install SKPAD20.PRC using the PalmPilot Install Tool that came with your PalmPilot. After installation, a Sketch Pad icon will appear to the list of applications.

SketchPad Desktop Viewer for Windows 95/NT


Usage Tips

SketchPad for PalmPilot

List view

SketchPad has the look and feel of the built-in Memo Pad. The application starts with the List view. The List view displays all sketches under the current Category. Sketches can be re-ordered by selecting and dragging to its new position.

Edit view

Tapping on a sketch in the List view takes you to the Edit view, which allows you to edit the sketch and to watch animation. The 'D' button selects Draw mode. The 'E' button selects the Erase mode. Tapping on the blank button allows you to clear the whole sketch. Copying and pasting of sketches are done via the menu bar.


Animation is produced by flipping through the sketches quickly. A sketch is really a frame in an animation sequence. SketchPad allows you to copy a sketch into its clipboard and the paste it until another sketch. By copying and pasting, and modifying each subsequent sketch slightly, motion is perceived when the sketches are flipped quickly. You must have at least 2 different sketches to produce animation.

To watch the sequence, you must be in the Edit view. Press the Go button, or by using the up and down buttons on the PalmPilot, you can flip through each sketch. When the button is held down, it auto-repeats, thus flipping through the sketches quickly. The up and down buttons are real buttons on the bottom of the PalmPilot, not software buttons on the display.


Backup of the SketchPad database is done during the hot-sync process. After a hot-sync, a file called ArcosoftSketchDB.PDB should be found in the PilotDesktopInstallation\YourName\Backup directory, where PilotDesktopInstallation is where the PalmPilot desktop application is installed and YourName is the name of the PalmPilot user. For example, John Doe's computer might have the directory:


So, if you want to archive a SketchPad database, then copy ArcosoftSketchDB.PDB somewhere. You might want to rename it. For example, sketches of your cat might be renamed as MyCat.PDB.

Backup can be disabled from the HotSync dialog found under the Options menu (List View) of the SketchPad application


We recommend upgrading to PalmPilot Desktop 2.1 or later. The upgrade may be downloaded from

If SketchPad is not on the PalmPilot

SketchPad may have been deleted intentionally, or unintentionally after a hard reset/battery change. Follow these steps:

  1. Do not re-install SketchPad yet
  2. Using the PalmPilot install tool, pick the SketchPad PDB to restore. The file name does not matter, as long as the extension is PDB.
  3. Do a hot-sync.
  4. Using the Memory application, you should find ArcosoftSketchDB in the list.
  5. Using the PalmPilot install tool again, install the SketchPad application
  6. Do a hot-sync.
  7. Using the Memory application, you should find that ArcosoftSketchDB has been reconciled with its parent application.

If SketchPad is on the PalmPilot

The restoring of a SketchPad database cannot occur if the SketchPad application is installed on the PalmPilot. If you attempt it, you will get an exception and the database that was on your PalmPilot is gone.

  1. Using the Memory application, delete the SketchPad application
  2. Follow the steps outlined above


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